
About Us

We have a Vision of being a One Stop Centre for information on EAC Regional Integration

One of the responsibilities of the Secretariat under Article 71 of the Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community is to promote and disseminate information on the Community to the stakeholders, the general public and the international community.

The EAC Information Resource Centre plays a central role as a provider of information and knowledge to the EAC Organs and Institutions, Partner States Ministries and departments as well as consultants, researchers and the general public, for policy harmonization, decision making process and for strategic networking with the stakeholders both within East Africa and outside.


To develop a specialized centre of information and knowledge on the East African Community regional integration journey

Overall Objective

The main objective of the Information Resource Centre is to avail relevant information and knowledge in support of the Organs of the Community in fulfilling their mandate.

Other Objectives