

Background on the establishment of EAC Information Resource Centre (IRC)

IRC Historical Development

An Information needs consultancy conducted in 1997, funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID), identified the Permanent Tripartite Commission for East African Cooperation key management information requirements and recommended a strategy to ensure that the Secretariat performs its functions efficiently and effectively. Establishment of a Library was identified as essential to provide the information that would support the Commissions’ work. A Project on Information and Communications (1998 – 2000) provided the initial infrastructure of the Library including furniture, equipment, books and Library Software. The Library and Documentation Centre became operational in the year 2000 and was housed in room 543, Kilimanjaro wing of the Arusha International Conference (AICC).


In November 2012, The East African Community Moved Into Its New EAC Headquarters. Space Covering Three Levels Was Earmarked To House The Secretariat, East African Court Of Justice (EACJ) And The East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) Libraries. The Secretariat Library was allocated space on ground floor, EACJ wing. The Library look before the new plan. With the newly acquired Library space, there was a need to remodel and redesign it into a modern Information Resource Center (IRC). The IRC was envisaged to have the following sections at each level: Reception Area – Circulation Area, Display Area, Quick Reference Sections, Periodical Sections, General Stack Areas – Shelving units, Leisure Reading Area, Multimedia Section, Exhibition Area, Digitization room , Storage and Archival Room and General Reading Area.


In order to accommodate the above requirements and specialized needs of each Organ there was a need for a clear interior design plan that: Would maximize the use of space; Would provide easy accessibility for both staff and users; Is adaptive to changes in style, working practices and the changing needs of libraries including digitization, storage, IT usage, durability, and flexibility; Would zone up various sections and layouts to provide a conducive working preservation and reading environment. Therefore, in March 2013, DEMCO Interiors (U.K) was contracted to carry out interior planning and redesigning of the Libraries space.


In December 2013, with the support from Development Partners (EU-RISP II Fund) new furniture and equipment were acquired, installed and Information Resources organized. The new Information Resource Centre became operational in January 2014. The new look Library look after the new plan.
The IRC was officially opened in the 28th April, 2014 by the Chairperson of the Council of Ministers, Hon. Phyllis Kandie, the Occasion was graced by the Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, The Secretary General, Deputy Secretaries General and Senior Officials from Partner States. The Chairperson in opening the IRC had this to say; “utilization of information and research data should be used not only to fuel growth and development within the region, but also to spark interest in the EAC integration agenda especially among the youth”.

Beyond 2013